So it's been a couple weeks since I have blogged about my slobishness. (Is slobishness a word?....I just made it one.) So I feel like I have finally got my home under control. I still have a couple of places that are cluttered. Like my computer desk and my master bath that I use as storage. I live in a mobile home and we have no stroage building so every closet is packed. Anyway, I have gotten the main things under control just by picking up clutter every day. My husband has even complimented me several time on how nice it is for things to not be so cluttered. When we moved in we did it in a hurry. At the time I had a newborn and I just never really made it feel homey ya know. I finally feel at home here, and I finally got my hallway project done I've been blogging about..........
I was using my freakin hallway as storage for way too long. Not only did I keep a door in the hall, there was a part of a crib, empty Wii, and Wii Fit boxes, and of course some random stuff my daughter threw behind ther. I finally had enough and decided to get rid of or find and new home for this crap.........
I got everything cleaned up and finally painted the walls the same color as my livingroom (that I painted over a year ago). I put a little bench in there that my daughter is using to put her baby doll clothes in and she's using it as her babies changing table. So not only can I wald through my hallway without stubbing my toe we also have a little extra functional space in our small home. Now that I have the basics under control it is on to the next project......
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